Investigation report Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service radiology services October 2016
18 October 2016
This report details the investigation undertaken by the Health Ombudsman into the low reporting of radiology services at the Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service (HHS). The investigation commenced as an own-motion investigation as a result of the Health Ombudsman becoming aware of an investigation commissioned by the Department of Health Director-General following the discovery of a backlog of reporting of radiology results in the Gold Coast HHS due to a systemic failure.
On review of the departmental report, the Health Ombudsman considered that the Department of Health investigation adequately examined the issues raised and resulted in suitable recommendations that encompassed local and statewide systemic issues. Moreover, if implemented, the recommendations would ensure future radiology results reporting levels within Gold Coast HHS would be sustained at clinically appropriate levels.
On this basis, the Health Ombudsman decided to not re-investigate the issues and instead focused on examining the Gold Coast HHS and Health Support Queensland responses to the recommendations arising from the departmental report. Moreover, the Health Ombudsman considered that some recommendations had long-term implications for addressing the deficiencies identified, while others were of a minor nature. As a result, the Health Ombudsman decided to focus on assessing the progress of implementing recommendations with the most substantial implications.
As a result of the investigation, the Health Ombudsman made nine recommendations for implementation by the Gold Coast HHS and the Department of Health and developed a monitoring plan to facilitate implementation of the recommendations.
In March 2018 the office published a supplementary report, detailing the progress of implementation of recommendations and making a revised recommendation. You can also download and read this report in full on our website.