/For the public/What if you are unhappy with our decision

What if you are unhappy with our decision

We are committed to providing Queensland with a transparent, accountable and fair complaints management system. We welcome feedback and complaints in an effort to continually improve our processes and service delivery.

Unhappy with our decision?

If you are unhappy with the decision we made in relation to your complaint, you are encouraged to contact us and discuss your concerns. We will explain the reasons for the decision in more detail and endeavour to answer any questions you may have.

Request an external review by the Queensland Ombudsman

If you remain unhappy with our decision following discussion with us, you may request an external review by the Queensland Ombudsman.

The Queensland Ombudsman investigates complaints made about administrative actions of Queensland state government departments, local councils and public authorities—including the OHO.

The Queensland Ombudsman's role is limited to a review of the administrative actions and decisions of the OHO in handling your health service complaint. It is not the role of the Queensland Ombudsman to conduct a fresh investigation of the complaint you made to the OHO, evaluate medical evidence or form medical opinions.

Requests for external review must be made to the Queensland Ombudsman within 1 year of the notice of decision.

For more information visit the Queensland Ombudsman website or contact their office.

Provide feedback or complaints and compliments

We want to hear your feedback good or bad. Your feedback helps us improve what we do.

Call 133 OHO (133 646)

Monday to Friday, Phone lines are open between 9.30 am–4.00 pm


Email your feedback to info@oho.qld.gov.au

Please note we cannot accept health service complaints sent to this email address.


Director, Office of the Health Ombudsman
Office of the Health Ombudsman
PO Box 13281, George Street
Brisbane, Qld, 4003