/For the public/What happens when you make a complaint

What happens when you make a complaint

The Office of the Health Ombudsman exists to protect the health and safety of the people of Queensland, promote professional, safe and competent practice by health practitioners and high standards of health service delivery, as well as maintain public confidence in the management of complaints and health services. We provide a single point of entry for health service complaints and notifications and must act independently, impartially and in the public interest.

Our complaints process

Complaint lodged
Complaint received and triaged
Complaint not accepted

Early Resolution
Relevant actions
No further action

Complaint outcome
Further relevant action
No further action
Complaint and outcome recorded

Relevant actions

The Office of the Health Ombudsman carefully examines each complaint we receive to decide the most appropriate action to take.

If we are unable to assist you we will contact you and explain why. We will also tell you what other options you might have.

A relevant action is a decision to take further action on a complaint which can be progressed in a variety of ways.

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How to make a complaint


The best way to make a complaint to us is through our online form.

Call 133 OHO (133 646)

Monday to Friday, Phone lines are open between 9.30 am–4.00 pm

Discuss your complaint or seek assistance completing the online complaint form.


You can also download/print and complete our hard-copy complaint form, and return it to us using the instructions on the form.