/Actions/orders taken against health practitioners/Matthew Everett-Jones

03 Mar. 2021

Matthew Everett-Jones

Health support worker

The Health Ombudsman issued an interim prohibition order imposing restrictions on the provision of health services provided by Matthew Everett-Jones effective 3 March. 2021.

Scope of Practice

The restrictions imposed include the requirements the practitioner:

  • Must not possess, supply, administer, handle, dispense, access, promote, advertise or recommend the use of, or otherwise deal with, any Schedule 4 restricted drug in the course of business, or other commercial activity, whether paid or unpaid. To remove any doubt:
    • a restricted drug means any pharmaceutical items containing any active ingredient listed within Schedule 4 of the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons as contained in the Poisons Standard in accordance with the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (Cth), as amended from time to time and as published at https://www.tga.gov.au/publication/poisons-standard-susmp
    • Schedule 4 includes a number of androgens and anabolic steroids. An example of a restricted drug is Testosterone.

Period of action or order

In accordance with section 73(2) of the Health Ombudsman Act 2013 (the Act), the order continues to have effect until the earliest of the following happens –

  • the order ends under section 90H of the Act;
  • QCAT sets aside the decision to issue the order on application by the practitioner for a review of the decision;
  • the Health Ombudsman revokes the order under section 76 of the Act.